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Stop Writing Alone

Mar 28, 2019

April is coming! For Stop Writing Alone host, Nicole Rivera, that means two things -- GAME OF THRONES is coming back, and it’s CAMP NANOWRIMO month! In this week’s episode Nicole discusses what Camp NaNoWriMo is, who it is for, and the three reasons she continues to love this challenge and writing community. Nicole explains how listeners can join the Stop Writing Alone cabin, what actions someone must take to prepare for a successful month of writing,  and gives a little tease of the project she’ll be working on this month.


Mentioned in this episode:



Places to connect to the STOP WRITING ALONE community and introduce yourself:


The EVERYONE CAN PODCAST crew. Here’s a list of podcasts made by my classmates coming out of Cathy Heller’s ECP course. This is one inspiring, creative, and informative bunch:


And our teacher…