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Stop Writing Alone

Jan 23, 2020

Writing contests and competitions offer a lot of different quantifiable prizes for the winners, but what “wins” can all participants hope to gather. As Nicole participates in the current NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge 2020, she can think of nothing else! This week she discusses how committing to a writing competition can help writers experience the constraints and demands of a professional writing life. 


Want to be one of Nicole’s first coaching clients? Write her an email at with the Subject Line: I Want In! In the email tell Nicole why you’d like to jump on this opportunity!


Mentioned in this episode:




Places to connect to the STOP WRITING ALONE community and introduce yourself:


The EVERYONE CAN PODCAST crew. Here’s a list of podcasts made by my classmates coming out of Cathy Heller’s ECP course. This is one inspiring, creative, and informative bunch:


And our teacher…